candle care

Before Burning

Place the candle on a tray

Our candles are beautiful and pieces of art but when lighting them it wax may drip. We suggest to place the candle on a tray or small plate to collect the wax. Find our favorite trays here.

Trim your wick

Before you lit your new candle, it is important to trim the wick to get the best out of your candle. Trimming a wick prevents uneven burning, dripping or flaring. Try to keep it around 5mm long for best results. By doing so you can prolong the life of the candle by about 25%.

Place it in a calm surrounding

Try to avoid air currents or open windows when having the candle lit. This helps to prevent uneven or rapid burning and excessive dripping.


While Burning

Never leave a candle alone

Never leave a burning candle unattended or lit while sleeping. If you are going to leave the room or go to bed, be sure to put out all candles first. Also consider to keep candles out of the reach of children and pets.

Try to not move the candle

Do not touch or move a burning candle. Put out the candle before moving it and let it cool down until the wax has hardened.  Before re-lighting trim the wick again.

Consider burning time

Generally, candle experts burn candles for an optimum time of 2-4 hours. This gives the fragrance a chance to fully develop without the wax becoming too hot. A minimum of 2 hours will also make sure the wax can burn to the edge of the candle, leaving an even finish, ready for next time.


When Extinguishing

Be careful when extinguishing

Everyone of us has experienced it. When blowing out a candle the hot wax  dripped or splattered everywhere on the surface. To prevent hot wax from splattering we recommend using a candle snuffer to extinguish the candle. 

Let it cool down

If there is remaining wax on the surface, it is easier to remove the hardened wax from the surface than liquid one. So let the cande cool down completely after extinguishing it. You can „peel it off“ easier from the surface than liquified wax.

Make sure candle is out

Before leaving the room, make sure your candle is completely out and there is no glow coming from the wick ember.